Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

So... after wasting precious work-time reading other folks' blogs (i.e.
Grace's), I decided to take the "What Does Your Birth Date Mean?" quiz
and post the result below.

Your Birthdate: January 14

You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you. It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy! You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around. But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.

Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing
to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May

Most of this is speaking to how others perceive me, so that I will refrain from commenting on, but my weakness: "Commitment means nothing to you"!?!?!

What?? That is soooo not true. Boo! to online quizzes, I say. Back to on-line shopping.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Grinch no more!

I love Christmas!!! I know that can be likened to saying... "I love puppies." or "I love biscuits." I mean honestly... who in their right mind does not love these things??

But this past week, I was feeling pretty down... pretty bummed. So, Thursday night I decided to take a breather. I went out and shopped for my little tree, humble as it may be. I spent Friday and Saturday decorating my apartment (and tree), baking for the craft/bake sale at the church (Sunday), and listening to copious tracks of Christmas music.

This was just what I needed to get out of my funk. Can anything brighten your spirits quite like Christmas music? I think not. (A little humor helps too... I also spent Saturday watching some of my favorites including Ernest Saves Christmas and National Lampoon's Christmas vacation.)

So here are some pictures of the fruitful weekend that I had. I think my little tree came out quite nice... (and I had an extra strand of lights, so I had to decorate around the kitchen too.) These are my little mini-loaves for the church. (Bonus! They actually managed to make about $1500 for the church's mission fund!)

I also made chocolate truffles with some ladies from work on Sunday. This is a ton of fun, if you are every feeling industrious. I will have to get some photos posted of the fun truffle-making extravaganza. All I know is that I came home with more truffles than I know what to do with... and I have no idea what flavors are what. This was definitely not a project that I ever could have accomplished on my own... given my ADD. I think I would have rolled about 10 truffles and called it a day. But it was nice to hang out and chat and eat lunch (and have others do all the really hard work). This weekend was kind of tiring, but in a good, fun way, not in the previous stressed-out, depressive way that the week was tiring. Now, I can say that I am ready for the holidays! Bring on the shopping! Bring on the snow! Bring on Christmas!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Christmas Gifts

It is never too early to jump on the ball and start your Christmas shopping.
Wondering what to get that someone in your life who has it all??

I hate to ruin the surprise, but I think I have found the one gift that everyone on my list is getting this year.

Click here if you don't want to be surprised when you open your gift from me.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

M. H. Howell in Black and White

I am very excited to say that I am an author now. Over the summer, Jeff Guyon (and others in the lab) and myself manage to put together a review article on modeling human muscle disease. This article was e-published in July and the printed version is due out soon.

This article is a summary of the work that has been done by numerous people and is not as important as publishing a paper on one's original work, but it is a start.

If you would like to read the abstract you can view it here or look it up on www.pubmed.gov. Just type the number, 16934958, in to the search field.

"Modeling human muscle disease in zebrafish."

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Instant Russian Tea

This is a nice substitution for mulled cider... the advantage is you can keep it in your cabinet and it only takes as much time to make as it does for the water to boil.

2 cups Tang (like the astronauts drink)
3/4 cup of Instant Tea
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup lemonade drink powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

In a large container mix all ingredients. Make sure everything is thoroughly mixed. This can be stored in an airtight container for quite a while. (Also, if you are watching your sugar, you can substitute part or all of the 1 cup called for in the recipe.)

Then when you are ready to drink this hot beverage, add about 2-3 tablespoons per cup and mix with boiling water. You can add more or less of the mix to taste.

You can also place this mix into decorative jars (with recipe and instructions) and give as cute little inexpensive gifts.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Fall Out...

Wow! I am really bad at keeping up with this blogging stuff.

But the reality is that not much has transpired since I last posted. I took the MCAT. I cannot say that I left the exam with a warm, glowing feeling, but we will just wait and see what happens.

Currently, I have sent off my intial AMCAS application to the following schools:
  1. Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  2. Baylor College of Medicine
  3. Boston University
  4. Case Western Reserve
  5. Columbia
  6. Dartmouth
  7. Drexel (PA)
  8. Duke
  9. Emory
  10. George Washington University
  11. Georgetown University
  12. Jefferson Medical College (PA)
  13. Keck School of Medicine USC-CA
  14. Loma Linda (CA)
  15. Loyola University (Chicago)
  16. Medical University of South Carolina
  17. Mount Sinai
  18. Tufts
  19. Tulane
  20. University of Massachusetts (Worcester, MA)
  21. University of South Carolina
  22. Vanderbilt
  23. Wake Forest University
  24. Cornell
  25. Yale
I am now working to fill out and submit my secondary applications for consideration. I will keep you posted on this progress.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Countdown...

So this is my update on the MCAT prep.
It is Tuesday, August 15. The TEST is this Saturday, 8am-5pm. As many of you know, I have been through many highs and lows throughout the arduous preparation process.

I ask that as this week comes to an end and test day approaches, as you are thinking of me and praying for me, know that I am prepared. I am confident; however, I do have three basic worries/concerns:

A) The Stress Factor - Given the nature of these next few days, I am afraid that I will become increasingly stressed-out over things which are out of my control.
I realize that although a certain level of nervousness/anxiety is a good thing. Too much of this, is most definitely detrimental. In my head I know that there is absolutely no use in fretting over that which I have no control. I pray that I can keep this aspect of my stress in check.

B) The Focus Factor - One thing that I can control: my own level of focus on exam day. By the time I am sitting in the desk, the lessons have been learned. I have been praying that I will be able to focus on each section to the best of my ability. I pray that I will bring “my A-game” to each and every section. If I do (in every sense of the word) compete to the very best of my ability on each part, I know that “11s” are more than mere likelihood.

C) The Total Package Factor - Assimilation is huge. Putting all these weeks of work into one final product is a large part of what is tested on the MCAT. How I take the test is AS important as just the pure details that I know. I pray that I will be able to think clearly as well as critically. The majority of my incorrect answers throughout my practices are contributed by a lack of careful reading (or by incorrect addition); not due to a gap in my knowledge. This is good and bad. This should be correctable; however, there is also no clear method for eliminating this problem.


As I was telling some of you, I feel as prepared as I (personally) can feel. I have done all the studying and practicing that I could possibly handle. In many ways, this is good. I don't feel as if I could be more prepared had I another month to review things. This is it. "Bring it on!"

That being said; I do not mean to imply that I am anxiety-free. My practice tests, designed to give me an approximation for how I will do on the real thing, have been somewhat troubling.

Let me clarify this. I am aiming/ I would like/ I would be pleased - if I could reach a score of "11" on each of the three sections of the test. My practice tests indicate that this is definitely within the realm of possibility. (Realm of possibility meaning not some fancy MCAT-alchemy in which I turn 4s into 12s.)

Thus, my basic apprehension stems from how compressed this whole system of scoring is and how uncertain I still am because of all of this. For example, on one practice exam, I got 94% of the verbal reasoning questions correct. On a 15 point scale, 94% should translate into a 14 (or due to lack of decimal-point scores possibly a 13). In fact my "scaled score" was a mere "10."

This is simply an anomaly of the testing/scoring process. In other words, completely out of my control and something I accept. However, this does not do much to contribute to my confidence.

I know I have gone on about this for long enough, and I apologize for most likely making a mountain out of a mole hill. However, this is not something that I have been working towards for a few months; rather a journey that began when I entered Georgia Tech as a young chemistry major 8 years ago.

Thank you in advance for all of your kind words and understanding through all of this, and most importantly your many prayers offered up on my behalf.