Bloggers Unite!
I'd like to share with you a blog that Jennifer called to my attention today.
I feel a certain bond with this blogger newbie such as myself.
This blog is part of a site that details the fascinating lives of Pamie and Dan.
Clearly, you can tell that these individuals are not only more adept (than I) at this whole blogging art form, but also decidedly more entertaining.
One blog entry that I found to be quite funny and also a great waste of office time was: "Twenty-five first sentences of blog entries I'll never write."
hey!! you mentioned me in your blog...gosh!! i feel so special now! if there were only more people who actually read this...
Hey I read this all the time!
U should feel honored to be posted and mentioned here! SERIOUSLY!!! Fed ex does rule!
For the LAST time Fed Ex most definitely does NOT rule!
Yea of little knowledge and little faith... to slander a company of such great fortitude and service! Fed Ex is KING- now Sears they stink..
Wow!! Mel with a blog... suddenly the world of children's medical research tumbles downhill.
Call Fed Ex I need a TORTILLA shaped liked Guatemala!!!!!!!!
Mel, you are slacking on your posting, ... keep up!!
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